Sunday, January 31

Sandy's new friend

Went to ChCh today to check out this little guy as new mate for Sandy, he is half Abby and half Devon Rex.  Irresistable! We pick him up in 19th Feb.

Saturday, January 30


Saturday and not back at golf yet so called into Dick Smith to check out WII's.  
Met up with friends Helen & John doing the same thing.

Friday, January 29

Friday wine o'clock.

Back in the fold with the girls for friday night drinkies, this week at Wendy's place.  Sally, Wendy, Jo & Sue.  Sally & Sue are my fellow bikers on the rail trail in March. 

Thursday, January 28

No Hummers Here!

Dusted off my bike after a couple weeks holiday and went for a ride.  Had the road all to my self. No Hummers here!

Wednesday, January 27


First day home and I must have brought the Aussie weather with me. Spent most of the day catching up in the garden.

Tuesday, January 26


Not a happy home coming to learn that our beautifull boy & Sandys best friend, Apache has been killed on the road.
A glitch in what was going to be a good year.

Monday, January 25

Last look at the Murray

Up and on the road before 8 this morning for the 6 1/2 hour drive back to Melbourne.Covered nearly 1700 kms since Friday.

Sunday, January 24

Bum Burner

Went to Hahndorf to day.  Quaint old German town with very old buildings. German pubs and butchershops.

Saturday, January 23

Murray River

Happened to see the Murray Princess on the river today

Friday, January 22

Long Road toSth Australia

8am this morning Russel, Annie & I headed to Murray Bridge to celebrate baby brother Chris's 50th birthday. see blog 368

Thursday, January 21

Luna Park

Little brother wanted go and play so we went to Luna Park

Wednesday, January 20

William Ricketts Sanctury

Went up to the Dandenong Ranges to see the amazing sculpures blended onto rocks by William Ricketts.

Tuesday, January 19

6 Wendover Cres

Day at "home" to day. Went for a walk and then watched Tennis before friends (ex Blenheim) from Brisbane came for BBQ tea.  They are here for the tennis tomorrow.

Monday, January 18

Maldon Doorways

Cool and wet in Melb to day so we headed for the hills, Castlemain and Maldon which are old goldmining towns.  Had the best ever BLT for lunch in the only cafe that was open in Castlemain the others only apear to open in the weekend.  Lots of antique shops.

Sunday, January 17

Street Art/Graffiti

Went into the city this morning to photograph the Graffiti in the Lanes & Alleyways.

Saturday, January 16

Torquay Cabin

Last day at Torquay Beach Camp. 
Russell has breakfast on the deck of our cabin before loading the waggon.

Friday, January 15

Bells Bash 2010

First goal for the year accomplished!
Walked in the fun run/walk from the Jan Juc surf club to half way to Bells beach. 4 kms a lot up hill and soft track not like the flat tarseal in Ashburton.  Lung bursting stuff!
Finished in 36.10mins.  Harry (in black centre of pic) did the run in 23.06mins
Next goal is to get back on the golf course.

Thursday, January 14

Twelve Apostles

Russell and I drove down to the 12 Apostles and took a helicopter flight down to "London Bridge" and back, fantstic.  Drove back along the great Ocean Road.  Taking lots more photos.

Wednesday, January 13

Pt Lonsdale

Cooler day so went for a drive to Port Lonsdale and on to Queenscliff for lunch.

Tuesday, January 12

Annies hamburger

Russell had to take Harry into the city to a tennis briefing so the girls went out for lunch.

Monday, January 11

Surf boat training

Beautiful morning so up early and saw these guys training.  Then went for a walk with Karen, getting pretty warm by the time we got back so down to the beach for a swim.  All before breakfast.  Keeping out of the sun today as a bit pink from yesterday on the beach.

Sunday, January 10

Torquay Beach

 Fabulous day on the beach, sea warm and clear.
A few of us now have very pink bodies.

Saturday, January 9

Packing for Torquay

40 degrees, phew! cant wait to get to the beach!

Friday, January 8

ChCh Airport

After waking up at 2am then trying to stay awake till 3 when I planed to get up, arrived at ChCh airport to check in at 4.50am.  Its been a long day!

Thursday, January 7

Early night, early start!

Early start in the morning to be at the airport by 5am!  So the alarm is set.

Wednesday, January 6

Packing for Australia

Believe it or not, it will all fit in the suitcase!

Tuesday, January 5

Xmas Lilies

Xmas has been and gone and as always the Xmas Lilies decide to bloom!

Monday, January 4

Lake Hood

Really nice day so decided to go to the Lake House for lunch with Wendy and Peter. Got a table outside until the southerly  kicked in so moved inside. These people in the boat should have done the same!

Sunday, January 3

Our horse, Quattro Del

Number 15 Quattro Dell puts in a great effort to finish 2nd at the Amberly Trotting Clubs race day at Rangiora. Quite a hot day (28o) so we enjoyed a cold drink and catching up with a few old friends.

Saturday, January 2

Good things don't change!

Reunion with Shirl, flatmate from Tauranga & Rangiora 32 years on.  Good things don't change.

Friday, January 1

New Years Day

New Years Day and its stinking hot! Cleaning up the golf club house after last nights twilight golf as there is a tournament tomorrow.  I wont be playing as I'm still on the injured list till end of Janurary.

New Years Eve

New Years Eve BBQ at Barb and Warrens. Cold outside so moved indoors and had fun Sking and playing tennis - on WII.