Friday, April 30

Friday night drinks

Drinks at Sues this week so coordinated our contacts into our "drinks group" on the phones.
Took this with my phone camera hence the crap quality.
PS. Tooth is OK today, glad I bolted yesterday.

Thursday, April 29

Dental Centre

Went to the Dentist because of sore  front tooth today, but when I heard what he wanted to do I went the way the arrow is pointing - Out!  Will take the pills and wait and see if it gets better - or worse.

Wednesday, April 28

Set for winter

 Firewood reserve stacked up at a friends place.

Tuesday, April 27

Sal's new car

Went to ChCh with Sally to pick up her new car and get a camera for her.  Also bought myself a new suitcase for our trip. All set now with only 4 months to go.

Monday, April 26


Waxeye's are doing a great job of ridding the tomatoes of green caterpillars

Sunday, April 25

Anzac Day

Some of the most moving words I've ever read are these by Ataturk at Anzac Cove

Saturday, April 24


Rain drops on my Lady Di creeper.Was going to go to golf this morning as we have a photo shoot this afternoon but its a gray wet day so gave it a miss.

Friday, April 23

Shiny & New

Steve gives me a demo of the new fairway mower.

Thursday, April 22

Team Del

Sharp looking team. Fiery Del (Bob),Velocity Del (Jenny) & Quattro Del (Penni).
Penni & Bob are off down south, Penni is racing in Invercargill Sunday & Bob is just going for the ride for experience.

Wednesday, April 21


The volcano that has disrupted Flights around the world.  Lets hope it settles down before August!!

Tuesday, April 20

Burn Off

No its not a house fire its smoke from a burn off, ruins a nice clear sky.

Monday, April 19


People in the new house on the corner are building a very interesting fence.Watch this space!

Saturday, April 17

Little Toot

Theres a vintage train museum next to the golf course and today the trains were running.  The engine driver of the big train carrying passengers had great delight in giving loud and long toots with the little engine back at the station replying with little toots. Just what a golfer needs in mid swing!

Friday, April 16


Went to supermarket today but gave this bin a miss.

Thursday, April 15

Water feature

Did he swim or did he walk on water? Strange place to build a cobweb.

Wednesday, April 14


Look alikes but the other fella wont fight back

Tuesday, April 13

Back in 68'

Spent the last couple of days going through all my old photos for the Surf Clubs Face book page.

Monday, April 12


Make or break shot from the trees for Phil Mickelson today.  He landed on the green and is all concentration for his put.

Sunday, April 11

Passing through

Old friends Gordon & Doreen passing through in their house buss this morning on their way home to Cromwell from Tauranga.

Saturday, April 10

Early start.

Played 36 holes today so an early start. Long shadows & a slight frost on the practice green first thing.

Friday, April 9

Thursday, April 8

Car Wash

Only go there for the pretty colours really.

Wednesday, April 7

Make over

Mid week golf today & Brian prepares to tee off from the temporary No 12 tee as the green keepers are giving the main tee a make over.

Tuesday, April 6

Work day

Cold wet day so up to Wendy's to do some photography work on the computer.

Monday, April 5

Gearing up

Went shopping with Sue today to buy her new toy for our trip.  Been loading software for her which took a while so had to fill in the time somehow.

Sunday, April 4

Turn back time

End of daylight saving. Clocks turned back and an extra hour in bed on a rainy morning.

Saturday, April 3

Autumn colours

Autumn colour on the golf course today although it felt like the middle of summer with temp of 25

Friday, April 2

Good Friday

Thumper gets his instructions from the Easter Bunny.

Thursday, April 1