Saturday, July 31

Springbank Richard

Harness Racing Awards Dinner in Christchurch. Friends Alistair & Denise's horse Springbank Richard collected another trophy to add to his growing collection.

Friday, July 30

Death wish?

This was the 3rd person to run across in front of the train in a mater of seconds. Crazy!
Even the guy on the bike waited.

Thursday, July 29

On the trot

Its a hard job being timekeeper trying to keep up with the horses!!

Wednesday, July 28

Walk in the Park

Great day for a walk through the Domain. Came across Joyce and Rossie doing the same thing.

Tuesday, July 27

Photo shoot

Had a studio session with a couple of Hairdressers and their models tonight. Always fun doing jobs like this.

Monday, July 26


Frodo has developed an obsession with water from the kitchen tap.  As soon as he hears the water running hes there to try and catch it. He will even sleep in the sink so that hes on the spot when it gets turned on!

Sunday, July 25

Kiwi Icon

He's been around since before I was a kid!

Saturday, July 24

Did I?

Did I get nearest the pin? Marie has to measure but I missed by 2 inches like I missed the PUT!

Friday, July 23


More rain today, hope it clears up for golf tomorrow.

Thursday, July 22

Wet Walk

Determined to get a bit fitter for the trip. Bit wetter than I thought this morning.

Wednesday, July 21


Received the final itinerary from our travel agent today.  Count down has started only 37days!

Tuesday, July 20

Light Box

We have got some product photos to do so have made a light box to do the job.  The idea is to light it with studio lights from both sides so as not to get shadows. Not a table lamp like I've done here!

Monday, July 19

Top Cat

Its a bit of a battle to be the top cat on top of the cloths line.  Sandy was there first but Frodo still reckons there is room for him!

Sunday, July 18


I just have to hit strait up and round to the left to find the green.  Just about made it.  Won my match as did Sally & Leen which was enought to give our team  its first win.  Pity it was the last game of the comp!

Saturday, July 17

All Blacks

Richie fires up his men before beating South Africa

Friday, July 16


No mater how often the council reseals this footpath these bulbs still push their way through.

Thursday, July 15

Birthday Bash

Out for a meal to celebrate special birthdays for a couple of special friends.  Just when we thought the celebrating was done these bottles arrived courtesy of the management. Oh well, what else could we do but whip the tops off.  Would have been rude not to really! (It was shared between 14 of us).

Wednesday, July 14

Biz Expo

We are working in conjunction with Jo Foster Marketing at the Biz Expo taking   portraits for people to use for publicity.  Not many people about today so weren't  run off our feet, hopefully tomorrow will be a bit busier.

Tuesday, July 13

Junk Yard

This could be a neighbour from hell! Can spot a broom on left hand side thats been collected but perhaps he doesn't know what it is!

Monday, July 12


Temps have been down to -6 overnight resulting in very heavy frosts. Took these shots with my wide angle lens this morning.

Sunday, July 11

Pony Club

Pony Club was in full swing across the road from the golf course today so thought I'd see how good the zoom is on the P&S.  Not bad.  Still frost on ground and very crisp air as can be seen by the horses breath.

Saturday, July 10

Red Baron

This little guy was buzzing around the sky this morning. He may have been going faster than he thought!!

Friday, July 9


Clearing the Golf Club mail.  How exiting is that!

Thursday, July 8


Another shot with your lens Russell.  Took it through the tinted window and cropped quite close so not bad.

Wednesday, July 7

Video man

Trials day again and the time keeper checks the finish with the video man

Tuesday, July 6

High flying

Went down to the skate board park to try out a lens.  This guy was happy to put on a performance for me.

Monday, July 5

Moving out

Neighbors down the road moved out early this morning before the frost thawed. 

Sunday, July 4


Had a fabulous day at Pegasus, a resort course north of Christchurch. Barb takes on the water and I have the choice to play it where it lies or take a penalty.  Decided the penalty was the safest option. We all had some really good holes and some that would best be forgotten due to lost balls and bunkers.

Saturday, July 3

Long Shadow

Great day for golf, crisp clear day but when the sun goes down and the shadows get long it gets quite cold.

Friday, July 2

Ashburton River

Walking  across the bridge this morning and thought this was worthy of a photo.

Thursday, July 1

Hair day.

Where is all that water going? Karens got an assistant with the washing bit.