Tuesday, August 31

Grand Bazar

Up brıght and early and after changıng some money we found the grand Bazar and spent some of ıt.  Thought my boot lovıng frıends would lıke theses.  No I dıdnt buy any.

Monday, August 30


After nearly 30 hours travellıng we arrıved tıred hot and very thırsty.  So relaxıng on bıg cushıons  wıth a very cold beer was just what we needed before fallıng ınto bed.

Sunday, August 29

Long Haul

Its only been half a day for us arriving in Sydney but this little guy started in Dubai yesterday and he's very tired.

Saturday, August 28


Sandy got into a bit of a scuffle and has a sore paw and is feeling sorry for himself so has joined Russell in the recovery position.

Friday, August 27


Had a photo shoot at the Hotel today for advertising their restaurant.  Unfortunately  things didn't quite go according to plan!

Thursday, August 26

Recycling day

Out walking on recycling day tells a few stories

Tuesday, August 24

Tai Chi

Nice spring day for a bit of Tai Chi in the park.

Monday, August 23

Tickets to Fly!

Travel agent Anna issued us with all our travel documents today.  Hard to believe its nearly 18 months ago that we first talked about this trip and now its happening!

Sunday, August 22


Real free range eggs from down the road made me a very nice omlete for dinner tonight. Unforunately Russ is still in hospital so has to settle for whatever he can manage to keep down. Which isnt much.

Saturday, August 21


Sue and I had fun with Gina the daughter of one of the golf club sponsors.  Shes 6 and wants to meet Sue's grandson as in her words "I've got lots of money"!

Friday, August 20


The most expensive stamps in my passport. Multi entry visa into Jordan. Picking up our final documentations on Monday. All of sudden there is only 7 days left before we leave and things have gone crazy work wise, but we will get through it then I think Wendy will go into hibernation until I return!!

Thursday, August 19

Star Jump

Doing star jumps at a roundabout on a busy intersection? Nope, I think I'll just keep walking!

Wednesday, August 18


Russ is back in Hospital today for his next op. Pretty awful day weather wise so hes not missing much.

Monday, August 16

Staff car park.

One teacher at this school must be pretty kool!

Saturday, August 14


We have got a problem with a couple of Magpies on the golf course who swoop on certain golfers. A hat with eyes seems to scare them off

Friday, August 13


Cousin Pam the artist with grandson Angus. Table is one she has just finished for her sons 21st made from an old slab of Kauri.

Thursday, August 12

Mount Maunganui

Always loved this place. As training climb for Mt Sinai I decided climb to the top.

Wednesday, August 11

Iron Art

Passed through Tirau today and the town has all these amasing corrigated iron signs made by a local guy. This is Poppy's Cafe. Every buiness seems to have one, its just great.

Tuesday, August 10

Off to Tauranga

Glorious day for the flight north, great view of the crater lake Mt Ruapehu

Monday, August 9


Another pre trip get together. Sue the foodie decided to cook a Middle Eastern meal for us to add to the atmosphere.

Sunday, August 8

Miserable Sunday

Cold we miserable day. Down to the shop for the Sunday paper and thats it for the day.

Saturday, August 7


All I need is an A, is this going to be it??

Friday, August 6

Winter wonderland

A view we see every day driving up Harrison St to home that always makes me think we live in a great place.

Thursday, August 5

Blue Gums

Forecast is for snow to low levels this weekend so we thought we had better replenish our firewood supply.  These Blue Gums got blown over in high winds last year so Russ and a couple of mates cut them up for fire wood. This is just about the last of it.

Wednesday, August 4


  25days to go! All organised with spending money. Hope its enough.

Tuesday, August 3

Phar Lap

Australia may think hes theirs but this is his home in Timaru

Monday, August 2

Chimney Sweep

We've been without the fire for a couple of days so Frodo's extremely happy that the chimney sweep came today.

Sunday, August 1

Awards Dinner

End of a great night.  All thats left is the headaches!