Wednesday, September 29

Black Cabs

You havent been to Cairo till you have been for a ride in a black taxi!  Most of them are so beat up you thank your lucky stars that you even got to your destination.  Apparently they get driven into the ground then the government buys the driver a nice new white one. Everyone drives like they are in dodgem cars at the fair ground, toot the horn and push in.  Very few cars dont have scrapes and dents on the sides.  Must be very disheartning for new car owners!

City Star Mall

Back in Cairo after another shit of a night on the train from Luxor.  Air con on cold so froze and once again had all the cloths that we could find on.  Not much sleep as the compartment was full.  Back in Cairo and after a shower we caught a cab out to the City Star Mall which is massive and spent a couple hours looking at normal shops and not getting hasseled.

Tuesday, September 28

Valley of Kings

 After a nice early night we got up at 5am this morning to go by donkey to the Valley of the Kings.I have got a photo at home of Dad on a donkey there during WW2 so had to do it myself.  I look a bit aprehensive, thats because I was but it was all good. Anna was the only to come to grief as her poor little donkey fell and Anna thought it was dead. But she managet to get it up again and dust herself off.  Things have changed a bit since WW2, Started off on little back lanes which was Ok but then ended up on the main highway.

Monday, September 27


Arrived in Luxor this morning after a big night last night, fancy dress party on board so all feeling very jaded today.  Went by horse and carriage to see the masssive comlpex at Karnak, realy imprsive but in 44 degres our guide was a bit disapointed at our lack of interest.

Sunday, September 26


Pulled into Komombo this morning and went ashore to visit the temple of Sobek a Greek Roman one that overlooks the Nile.

Saturday, September 25

Sun rise on the Nile

On our 3 day cruise. Woke to the sun rising this morning.

Friday, September 24

Camel ride

All went camel riding to night.  A lot of fun, my camel Samba wasnt the fastest in the field, was quite content to wander along with his nose up the bum of the one in front.  Sue got a real racer and came in will ahead of the rest of us.  Anna's Monica jocked with mine for about 4th last.

Train to Aswan

Anna's not to sure about the porter taking off with our luggage at Cairo station last night, but its all good our guide has it under control.  The train trip to Aswan was 13 hours and dreadful, 6 to a compartment facing each other with our bags on the floor in betwen. Unconfortable and cold due to the air con being cranked up and not able to turn it down..  We all looked like bag ladies trying to sleep in any the extra clothes we could find. Aswan is great, clear skys and fresh air, hotel is across the road from the Nile.  Very hot at moment 40 degress.

Thursday, September 23


A reward for the train ride from hell, dinner and cold beers on a felukka then a swim in the Nile.


We all got goose bumps to day when we got our first glimps of the pyramids behind buildinsg driving out to see them.  Even Sal who's not keen on confinded spaces ventured inside one of the Pyramids with us.  Been a full day as after that saw the Sphinx and then to a Papyrus shop where of course we all had to buy a piece.  Then on to the Egyptian Museum where we  joined a thousand outher tourisst, but was well worth it.  Getting an over night train to Aswan at 10pm tonight.  Will be good to get out of the city!

Wednesday, September 22


Feeling like a new person today thank goodness so spent the afternoon cruising the Nile on a felucca sailboat.  Was nice to get away from the dusty streets and sit back and enjoy the sun and sights.

Tuesday, September 21

Sue & Anna

Sue, Anna and Sally got a taxi to the bazzar this morning, I wasnt going to far from a toilet so stayed back at the hotel.  They had quite an eventful time running away from a perfume salesman and haggling with a taxi driver. Our tour dosnt start till day after tomorrow so I will be over my little bug by then and ready to go.

Monday, September 20


Have arrived in Cairo.  First impression is its just one great big diry noisy city with no road rules, just sit on the horn and push in.  Our Hotel is OK but the location is terrible.  This is a view from our balcony, every one has free satellite TV because the women all stay in the homes and all they have to do is watch TV. Sal and I went for a walk but couldnt find any shops apart from hole in the wall type thing that sell soft drinks chips etc.  So managed to get some cans of Tonic to go with the bottle of Gin Kerry gave us last night.  No where to go for a meal or drink except in the hotel so looks like this is it for the next 2 days. Sue and Anna arrive in a couple of hours so maybe tomorrow we will brave a taxi together and go somewhere. Our tour dosn't start till the day after.

Saturday, September 18


After a 6 hour bus trip to Ankara we nearly missed the overnight train to Istanbul when we were told it had been delayed and it hadnt been.  It was a mad dash down the platform with Ergun yelling and waving to the conductor.  We litteraly fell into our compartmen which was so full of our lugage there was hardly room for us. But after a big shuffle around we managed to get our beds down and settled in for the night.  Arrived back in Istanbul at 8am. Fly out to Cairo in the morning so last night tonight with the team, could be party time!

Friday, September 17


Early morning and once again the sky is full of balloons over the town of Goreme where we have spent the last 3 days.  Amasing place with lots of caves in the strange rock formations.  Even our hotel is part cave.  Leave this afternoon on a 4 hour bus trip to Ankara then over night train back to Istanbul.

Thursday, September 16

Turkish Bath

Had a turkish bath and massage last night which was great. 
we all came out feeling very clean and refreshed. No place for camera's in there though!

Wednesday, September 15

Sky full of Balloons

3 of us went ballooning this morning, what a wonderful sight.   I counted at least 67 balloons.


After 8 hours on a bus today we are now in Goreme, Cappadocia.  What an aqmasing place!  Our hotel is set in rock,  Sall and I are going hot air ballooning at 5.30 in the morning so no doubt tomorrows blog will be a photo from that.

Tuesday, September 14

Village People

A different way of life for the village people.  Sally's friend is the same age as her, mine is a little older!

Sunday, September 12

Eternal Flames

Walked 800 meters up Mt Chimeira to see the eternal flames burning in the rocks after dinner last night.  Another training walk for Mt Sini and also worked off all the food we have been eating.

Sun rise

8am and we are heading back to port after a couple of very relaxing days on the water.

Saturday, September 11

Friday Drinks

If only we could have Friday night drinks like this all the time!!

Thursday, September 9


Another loverly seaside town.  We leave from here today for our 3 day yatcht trip so will off line for a while now while in paradise!

Tour deDesert

Driving from Sinai to catch our ferry across to Jordon in about 40 degres heat and we came across these cyclists. One wonders where they came from as its just endless desert.

Wednesday, September 8

2 and half hour trek

Ghost town. we walked to top of the hill via a goat track and down the other side.  Stinking hot and took 2 half hours.
Certainly worth all the sweat for the views.  Glad I did all that walking before I left home!


Sally and I and one other went paragliding from the top of a 2000 meter mountain.  Those are my loverly knees.  Fantastic views and great expeirence.  The drive up was probably the scarest part.

Monday, September 6


The white terraces of Pamukkale formed by running spring water  temp of 35o containing calcium bicarbonate.  Air temp today up there about the same.  We walked down bare footed through the water.  Have now got very clean feet!

Cat Bowl

Whole "mew" meaning to to cat bowls!

Sunday, September 5


Most of the group went off early this morning to Ephesus to view ruins.  I have seen them before so stayed back and caught up with blogs and photos etc.  Met up with the others for lunch at "Seven Sleepers" where we had pancakes made the traditional way.  Afternoon free so we headed for the beach & a swim, loverly!

Saturday, September 4


Went up into the hills above Selcuk tonight to a small village, had a walk around and visited a winery making fruit wines whice we got to taste.  We all thought they were OK so put in to buy a couple of bottles.  Had one of the best meals so far in a resturant up there along with local wine, not the fruit ones.  Back to the hotel we decided to have a night cap of the fruit wine but for some reason it wasnt quite so good after the nice wine we had had with our meal.

Friday, September 3


Staying in a very old traditional turkish house tonight. Has taken the owner 20 years to restore and  sleeps 26 guests.  We had a very steep climb up narrow cobbled street pulling our cases.  Pretty exhausted by the time we got there but its certainly worth it for the fantastic views.  Each room is about the size of a living room.

Thursday, September 2

Tour Group

Tour group. Pretty good bunch of mixed ages.
Ergan the tour leader has trouble with the DVD player. Hes good fun and knows his stuff.

Wednesday, September 1


Change in the weather today.  We were going to take a boat ride on the Bosphorus but it was to rough for the small boats.  Guy took us on a hair raising ride up to the second bridge in his car and we got the local drive on ferry back.  All quite entertaing.  Went for a walk around the water front when we got back to the place we stayed on the last visit here.  Got caught in a downpour and got soaked.  Everyone is trying to sell you umbrellas today.
Meeting up with the tour party tonight before heading to Gallipoli tomorrow.