Friday, September 24

Train to Aswan

Anna's not to sure about the porter taking off with our luggage at Cairo station last night, but its all good our guide has it under control.  The train trip to Aswan was 13 hours and dreadful, 6 to a compartment facing each other with our bags on the floor in betwen. Unconfortable and cold due to the air con being cranked up and not able to turn it down..  We all looked like bag ladies trying to sleep in any the extra clothes we could find. Aswan is great, clear skys and fresh air, hotel is across the road from the Nile.  Very hot at moment 40 degress.

1 comment:

  1. The itinerary does say it is aircond - but doesn't say you will be sharing with your bags - Quote "Our air-conditioned carriage has large, comfortable seats (similar to business class seats on a ‘plane) that recline to about 45°"
